Growing up I always wanted to be a mom & I am so excited that is happening! Since I haven't blogged in FOREVER I have so much to catch up on but I figured I'd share the biggest thing, our sweet baby girl. We found out we were expecting on September 20th! My father in laws birthday. I guess if you really don't care about the details you could just skip this post- but that morning was the morning I could officially take a pregnancy test so as soon as I woke up I took the test & bam- two lil lines. Pregnant. I called trey into the bathroom & he freaked telling me I need to tell him before I take a test so he could be prepared. Hahaha but done deal! I took two more tests that day & I was indeed prego. We both were so excited but immediately so overwhelmed & nervous & a million emotions come so quick. We would be responsible for a tiny human! That's huge. We told our families the following day & they were all super excited also. We went to the doctor to confirm our baby & got to hear the heartbeat & see our baby. The doctor confirmed it was just one, bummer. & I got blood work done.
We decided to share our news with everyone at just 8 weeks- which everyone else thinks is very early but we talked about it as a couple & felt that our baby was a baby & we already had so much love for this baby & we wanted people to know that. I had an AWESOME first trimester. Had almost zero morning sickness. No throwing up rocked. I thank my genetics. Haha my mom never got sick & I am super grateful. I am just beyond tired all the time. That's getting better everyday & I'm finally feeling a little bit more energized.

We had genetic testing at 12 weeks & found out that we were having a girl & I was literally SHOCKED. I thought for sure we were having a boy. But I couldn't be happier about our little princess.
As of now I am 14 weeks tomorrow! The weeks go so fast & the due date is June 2nd. We love this little babe SO much already. I love being pregnant. Honestly. Trey is the cutest ever & is dealing with me being moody very well. This baby is already spoiled & so loved. We have a name but won't share that for awhile. For now she will be Princess Pictum!