Thursday, July 30, 2015

Time & Blessings.

I occasionally at night i will wake up- alone. lexa & trey will be knocked out and i just think about how much i hate time. it goes by way too fast for my liking and sometimes there just isn't enough of it. 

( i love to take pictures of them sleeping...creeper.)

example one. my daughter is now  2 months old ( and some change ) HOW HOW HOW did this even happen? i literally feel like she was just born, like we just got home from the hospital. and everyday passes so fast and she just keeps getting bigger and cuter- even tho i ask her to stay little forever. 

example two. trey and i have somehow been married for a year (and a month). once again i feel like we just got married- then i am quickly reminded that its been a while longer than just a few months considering that we now have a cute baby. haha

example three. i started working again and now i just feel like there isnt enough time in the day :( i wake up at 6:30. get to work by 8. get home around 5:30 and then by the time i am home i have so many things i want to do- clean out lexas crib that is piled high with clothes, get rid of the bags of clothes from my closet that i cleaned out two weeks ago, cook dinner because i am starving, and clean off our table. but instead i sit and cuddle lexa, and chat with trey. the piled clothes dont matter all that much. lexa and trey need me more than the mess. 

it is easy to complain and think that things arent going the way you want them- but i kick myself in the butt and am reminded that I AM SO BLESSED. 

and occasionally, actually every single day i am reminded how extremely blessed i am. 

my daughter is perfect. my husband rocks. and i love my job. 

my life is so so good. 

Lexa [one month update]

This is beyond late & I've sucked at blogging. I need to do better because I really appreciate being able to look back & read. ANYWAY! My baby girl is 7 weeks old! I can't handle it. The time is going too fast! But I thought I'd write a post for my own records about Lexa.

Lexa turned 1 month old on June 20th while we were in San Diego. Her first road trip was a success. Minimal crying, first beach visit. 

Just a few things: 

weight: 9 lbs. 10 oz.

length:21 in.

clothes size: newborn, & some 0-3 month. her pjs have to be 3 month because her legs are so long.

hair: she has NO hair on top. a mullet in the back and it is darker in the back.

eyes:dark blue.

sleeping:she sleeps like a champ. 11-6 :)

eating: she eats every 3 hours and sleeps thru the night. she is perfect.

this month: she is starting to track people with her eyes. she has the tightest grip. she loves her dad and cuddling with him. only wants me when shes hungry. she loves to be worn in a wrap or sling. she has been to two movies- aloha & inside out. shes been to the beach. & she has been to two temples: los angeles and san diego.