Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lexa [5 month update]

heyyyyy. here we are. we made it to 6 months and now i can update about what she did as a little 5 month old. number one SHE IS THE BEST BABY EVER. she is so much fun and i love love love being a mom so much. i cant even explain it!

weight: 18 lbs. she is a tank. honestly my arms get tired all the time while im holding her. 
length: she didnt get measured at the last appointment we have but she is long. she has the longest legs and a long torso! 
hair: she has 8 hairs on the top that are beyond long. and the back is finally growing in after balding ! 
eyes: mostly blue and a little green in the middle! 
sleeping:she sleeps a lot better and still sleeps with her dumbo & paci. she likes it cold and cant sleep if it is too hot. 
eating: she is still nursing. it is a total accomplishment for both of us. pumping and nursing !! she gets distracted easily while eating if trey is in the room. daddy obsessed. 
milestones: she scoots around on her back. so cute. she can roll over both ways whenever she wants and will sit up if she isnt feeling lazy. she is starting to push herself around on her stomach. she also has TWO TEETH! 

lexa [4 month update]

do you love how this is 1305743896 days late? oh well:

weight: im not positive but id say around 16.5 lbs
length: 25 inches
clothes size:  she can fit anything from 3 months to 12 months. depends on the brand! 
hair: growing a lot, light brown & the top is way long
eyes:super light blue. 
sleeping:she forgot how to sleep and seriously wakes up way too much, 4 month sleep regression sucksssss. 
eating: nurses when i get home from work and does great with a bottle when im not home. 
milestones:she can sit up for a few seconds, she has way strong legs and only wants to stand in my lap, loves the bath and loves being in her stroller because she is so nosey and wants to see everything. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lexa [3 month update]

so i basically do these month updates AFTER she has turned the following month to show what she has been doing as a three month old if you can pick up what im throwin down. Lexa being three months old has been our busiest month yet. Trey started school again (YAY that means we are closer to finishing & even closer to law school!) we went to Colorado to visit my brother Jacob, i am still working, we got into two accident- it has been a stressssful time but always finding the joy in the journey ya dig?

weight: 15.5 SHE IS HUGE
length:i honestly have no idea- if i had to guess i would say aroudn 24 inches
clothes size:  3 month. 6 month PJs 
hair: the hair is finally growing!!!! it is the cutest ever. its pretty brown for the most part but looks extremely light in the sun. 
eyes:still blue- i think they will turn green tho. 
sleeping:she is still a great lil sleeper. she still falls asleep with a pacifier and is obsessed with her dumbo. she sleeps most of the night in her crib until i go to work then i put her in bed with her dad. 
eating: she is still nursing and eats really well. she totally has a bad intolerance to dairy and will have stomach issues if i eat it :( 
milestones: she rolls over all the time- and rolled over once from her back to her tummy, she belly laughs at me, and she has really strong legs and can stand up!


Friday, August 14, 2015

Lexa [two month update]

im a real slacker when it comes to blogging. since i started back at work i just cant find the time to sit and blog because i'd rather cuddle my husband or snuggle my baby and that is perfectly fine. but i do want to document things- for myself and so here we go with a two month post about my perfect child! (even tho she is three months in one week)

weight: 12 lbs. 8 oz.

length:22 in.

clothes size:  0-3 month & 3 month. PJs are three months. 

hair: she is starting to have fuzz on top, she still has a mullet and it is liiiiiight brown on top and pretty dark in the back.

eyes:blue. much lighter than last month

sleeping:my baby loves her sleep. 10-6 or 7. working on her bed time being a little earlier. all she needs is a paci and a blanket RIGHT by her face and she will literally fall asleep within seconds. she is a total blanket baby. 

eating: she still eats great! she will let you know when shes hungry- thats about the only time she cries. 

this month: she has started to smile lots and tiny giggles are always coming out of her mouth. she tries to stand when we are holding her. squeals when she is frustrated. i went back to work and she does so good at home with her auntie madd. she copies when we say "OOOHHH" and is obsessed with her dad. she loves him the most. she has a total temper and will let you know when you arent doing something she needs. shes perfect! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

That'll never happen to us...

That's something I thought about most things in life.. We all know we aren't as invincible as we hope. This was especially true about viruses that seem so ancient. Pertussis is a word that I in all honesty had NO IDEA even exsisted. I knew about my baby getting vaccines when she was two months old & our doctor advised us to be couch potatoes until she got those vaccines- but I never thought anything of it.

Pertussis- or whooping cough is the virus my baby girl got at 6 weeks old. On July 4th I noticed that Lexa had a cough- but I figured it was from the smoke of fireworks. The next day her cough was much worse. Very scary & she just seemed sick. We went to the doctor the next day & our pediatrician told us it was a small cold & she would just improve. He advised that if she didn't get better or ran a fever to come back. Her cough got worse. But my mom instincts kept telling me she was fine and to trust the doctor. He knows what he is talking about. He has seen thousands of babies and knows that she will be okay. A week went by and her cough was much worse. Her coughing got so bad that she would start choking and Trey and I could barely sleep afraid that her cough would choke her during the night and we wouldn't hear. We tried many things- steam from the shower, saline drops to clear up the congestion, a humidifier. Nothing seemed to help so we went back to the doctor the following Monday- a week after our initial visit.

Our incredible doctor. 

That Monday Trey started summer school and I was supposed to go back to work. I called my job and explained my daughter was sick and I had to take her to the doctor- if I could I would come after the appointment. Our amazing pediatrician knew exactly what to do- he tested her oxygen levels after listening to her cough and sent us to the ER after her levels got down into the 70s. (Normal is anything above 91). We got into the ER and they started to put a few monitors on Lexa to test her oxygen, gave her oxygen thru her nose and immediately they knew something was wrong. Even with the oxygen she was getting to assist her breathing she was still choking and her levels were still going down.

 I called my job and informed them I wouldn't be in. They admitted Lexa, gave her a chest x-Ray and while we were still in the ER the nurse informed me that an IV would be necessary- just in case they needed to give her fluids if she were to stop eating. Well, as I was holding my daughters arms down, her screaming so loud my ears were ringing- the nurse attempted to put an IV in her foot. Her veins were so little it was pretty difficult- and thats where it started to go downhill for me as a mom. Hearing Lexa in pain, screaming& crying I felt like she was telling me "MOM MAKE THEM STOP! THEY ARE HURTING ME!" and i started to get so teary eyed. After two attempts to give Lexa an IV it was successful. Thankfully my sister was with me at the ER but stood back because she didnt want to see the nurses poking Lexa. The IV was almost done- and they also needed to do a blood test and then again my heart was breaking!! The IV was loose, the blood started dripping and as they were fixing things and taping it down I started to get extremely lightheaded. The last piece of tape was getting put on the IV and I felt the words: "I THINK I'M GOING TO PASS OUT....." coming out of my mouth and then BLACK. I completely passed out almost on top of my daughter. THANK GOODNESS Madilynne was there. The two nurses were able to catch me and Madilynne saved Lexa from me landing right on top of her. SERIOUSLY- I felt so bad. My poor baby was getting poked and bleeding and I pass out. Awesome. MOM FAIL. I woke up and thought I was in a different room. Sweating and dizzy- I got better quick remembering my baby was the reason was in the hospital. We got moved to a different room and nurses took a swab in Lexa's nose to test for RSV. Trey finished class and came to the hospital. 

We were informed that as long as Lexa's oxygen levels were low we would be in the hospital. My poor little girl. I was so upset I cried. Upset because I couldn't do anything and because I would much rather be the one sick. She was too little and I would have switched her places in a heartbeat if I would have. Over the next two days I got zero sleep. They swabbed her nose for a panel of viruses and then for pertussis. Those tests could take up to 5 days. I was so frustrated because I just wanted to know exactly what was wrong & for it to get better. Lexa continued to cough, got antibiotics each night, got 2 breathing treatments, & was hooked up to way too many monitors. Meanwhile Trey still had to go to school, I hadn't showered in three days & we still weren't sure what was wrong. 

Antibiotics to help her out- she is no longer contagious. 

Each person that visited had to wear masks & gowns. It was all very stressful, sad, & just plain hard. I am soooo grateful for prayers said on Lexa's behalf. I know they helped. On day four she was diagnosed with pertussis. & we were glad to finally know what was wrong. It was hard tho because there is nothing you can do for pertussis. Just sit & wait. This cough can be deadly in some circumstances. It can last for months. I guess where I am getting with all of this is - get vaccinated. Whooping cough, along with other diseases & viruses seem to be making there way back into the world because of more & more people not vaccinating. Lexa was so tough through all of this. She got poked so many times, got medicine, had monitors, oxygen, and tape holding everything all over. She might not talk to anything yet but she was SO GOOD the entire time. The nurses loved her. She was still so happy. She nursed well and didnt need fluids. She had a few times where she wasnt eating enough and the doctor suggested fluids: they tried to use the IV in her foot but it was bent and not working. They tried in each hand and the other foot and it didnt work. Once again she was screaming and i was getting light headed- they then said they would have to try her head because the IV wasnt working. I couldnt. An IV in her head?! I asked to try to feed her again and so I pumped and she downed 3 bottles. She didnt want that IV in her head either.  I was so glad she was doing so well. It was hard not being able to hold and cuddle her all the time like we do at home, but she was a trooper. Her oxygen would go up and down. She would have a few coughs where her levels would be normal, and sometimes where they would drop into the 60s. On day six she was weaned off oxygen and did awesome. She would still choke occasionally but it was much better. We were so excited to get discharged.  

Lexa watched baseball with her dad everyday while we were in the hospital.

It's not only babies that depend on herd immunity. It is cancer kids, sickle cell kids, & other kids that are sick & cannot receive those vaccines. I would hope that no 6 week old has to go through what my baby went through. She may not be able to tell me what's wrong, or what hurts, but I can only imagine- coughing so hard for around 2 minutes every 30-45 minutes, choking on that cough& not being able to breath. She would cough & immediately fall asleep. It wore her out. Babies shouldn't get sick. Its not fair. We were lucky to only be in the hospital a week. Lesson learned- with my next baby we will be much more cautious as to who is around him or her. Booster shots are needed every 7-10 years. Did you know that?! Because I sure didn't. I am much more knowledgable on the entire thing- grateful my daughter is now healthy. I am so grateful also for modern medicine. I know we are lucky to live in this time where doctors know what to do, how to help, and how to prevent.  Vaccines save!! 

My PSA here is to be smart, follow your gut, listen to your doctor, and get vaccinated. I am so glad this wasnt worse, that my daughter is happy and healthy. HEALTH IS EVERYTHING. Lexa Pictum, you are blessed, and you are oh so loved. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Time & Blessings.

I occasionally at night i will wake up- alone. lexa & trey will be knocked out and i just think about how much i hate time. it goes by way too fast for my liking and sometimes there just isn't enough of it. 

( i love to take pictures of them sleeping...creeper.)

example one. my daughter is now  2 months old ( and some change ) HOW HOW HOW did this even happen? i literally feel like she was just born, like we just got home from the hospital. and everyday passes so fast and she just keeps getting bigger and cuter- even tho i ask her to stay little forever. 

example two. trey and i have somehow been married for a year (and a month). once again i feel like we just got married- then i am quickly reminded that its been a while longer than just a few months considering that we now have a cute baby. haha

example three. i started working again and now i just feel like there isnt enough time in the day :( i wake up at 6:30. get to work by 8. get home around 5:30 and then by the time i am home i have so many things i want to do- clean out lexas crib that is piled high with clothes, get rid of the bags of clothes from my closet that i cleaned out two weeks ago, cook dinner because i am starving, and clean off our table. but instead i sit and cuddle lexa, and chat with trey. the piled clothes dont matter all that much. lexa and trey need me more than the mess. 

it is easy to complain and think that things arent going the way you want them- but i kick myself in the butt and am reminded that I AM SO BLESSED. 

and occasionally, actually every single day i am reminded how extremely blessed i am. 

my daughter is perfect. my husband rocks. and i love my job. 

my life is so so good. 

Lexa [one month update]

This is beyond late & I've sucked at blogging. I need to do better because I really appreciate being able to look back & read. ANYWAY! My baby girl is 7 weeks old! I can't handle it. The time is going too fast! But I thought I'd write a post for my own records about Lexa.

Lexa turned 1 month old on June 20th while we were in San Diego. Her first road trip was a success. Minimal crying, first beach visit. 

Just a few things: 

weight: 9 lbs. 10 oz.

length:21 in.

clothes size: newborn, & some 0-3 month. her pjs have to be 3 month because her legs are so long.

hair: she has NO hair on top. a mullet in the back and it is darker in the back.

eyes:dark blue.

sleeping:she sleeps like a champ. 11-6 :)

eating: she eats every 3 hours and sleeps thru the night. she is perfect.

this month: she is starting to track people with her eyes. she has the tightest grip. she loves her dad and cuddling with him. only wants me when shes hungry. she loves to be worn in a wrap or sling. she has been to two movies- aloha & inside out. shes been to the beach. & she has been to two temples: los angeles and san diego. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Alexandra Verity Pictum

I've been wanting to sit & write down Lexa's birth story. More for my reference than anything & I just haven't had the time. (I'd rather sit & snuggle my sweet newborn). But here I am at 5 am feeding her & so I guess I can just do it now!! 

Exactly a week ago- time & everything I was being prepped to meet my baby girl. After a long wait at the hospital. 

Last Tuesday morning- the 19th of May I had a routine doctors visit to check if I was dilated & whatnot. Before every visit at the doctors they check my blood pressure & weight gain- along with a urine sample. That morning I didn't feel all that great. I had a pretty bad headache but didn't think much about it. My blood pressure at the doctors office was 150/110. High. The girl that took my blood pressure was sure it wasn't right & said she'd manually take it after I saw the doctor. I was only dilated to a 1 & not effaced whatsoever. I was feeling really frustrated. After going thru pre-term labor & expecting my baby early it didn't seem like she had the same idea & was pretty comfortable. While I was sitting in the room my doctor came in & said my irons sample came back with high protein & my blood pressure was too high & he wanted me to head right to the hospital to get tests ran. Just to be safe. My blood pressure was taken again & it was exactly the same. Oddly enough even heading to the hospital I was extremely calm. I can remember trey asking if I was nervous & I kept telling him no. He said "we could be having a kid here in a few hours" & I wasn't freaking out at all. I was really calm & ready if that's what was going to happen. 

When we got to the hospital I asked trey to take a picture of me. & he responded with: "I don't think now is the time for pictures" but I felt deep inside that i wouldn't be pregnant much longer & needed to document it! 

You can see in this picture I'm pretty swollen. & I was exactly 38 weeks pregnant. 

On our way up to labor & delivery I was feeling a little dizzy. We got there & they were expecting us- we were put into a labor room & we waited for someone to come see us. The first nurse came in & said they would admit & induce me soon. NO. That's not why I was there for just yet. I was supposed to just get a few tests ran first. She ran my blood pressure & took a urine sample & once again they were high. We were admitted a little after 3:30 if I remember right for preeclampsia. I changed into a gown & trey gave me a blessing. After the blessing I felt even more at ease. Times like these make me grateful for my husband & the priesthood that he holds. The blessing said that everything would be fine & the baby would be healthy & that's all that mattered to me. 

After IV's & blood work we waited until 8 when I was given a pill (vaginally) to help efface me to prepare for labor. I was having contractions really often. Every minute to two minutes. They were starting to get more painful in my back. At midnight I was checked again & still hadn't really progressed. Only to 60% effaced- but not soft. I was given another pill & had to wait to see if I progressed anymore. The entire time my blood pressure was being super bipolar. It would go up really high then be normal. Then go up & come back down. At about 3 o clock AM my nurses came in & were observing my contractions on the monitor. Every time I would have a contraction- Lexa's heart rate would dip down. They called my doctor & at 4 am they were told not to give me anymore meds because my blood pressure wouldn't go down & my baby was stressed. At 5 AM my sister & Trey went to get breakfast at McDonald's & my mom & treys mom stayed with me and slept. I WAS JEALOUS. I was so hungry & wanted to eat but wasn't allowed anything but ice chips. Lame. I needed food.  At about 5:45 AM my nurses came in & were talking to me. My mom was asleep on the floor & treys mom, Rose was half awake half asleep listening. I remember laying there as my nurse said they talked to my doctor & he decided that they didn't want to risk anything with the baby's heart rate dipping- & that an emergency C-Section was going to have to happen. I told the nurses "well can you gimme a minute cus my husband isn't here!" I called & thank goodness trey was pulling into the hospital parking lot. They had scrubs for him to change into & we- both moms & my two sisters (all of them were there with me while I was at the hospital) said a prayer & then there we were being wheeled away to have our baby. 

It all happened really quick. From the time they told us we'd be having a c section to it actually to us being wheeled out seemed to happen so fast. I was taken into the operation room first & was given a spinal. It numbed me from my chest down. Completely numb. I couldn't feel anything. Trey came in & they started the surgery. Trey peaked over the curtain a few times & I'm really glad he was able to watch. I could feel the doctor tugging but I didn't have any pain at all. Trey told me "She has so much hair" & I started crying. She came out & I heard her cry & cried some more. My baby was here & I was a mom. I didn't plan on having our baby via C-Section but it worked out just fine. She came into this world healthy & that's all I cared about. Trey went over with her as I was being stitched & she was being cleaned up. I couldn't believe how big she was. 

They brought her over to me & I saw her face & instantly fell in love. She was perfect. 

After everything happened I was wheeled back to the room & Trey went to the nursery with her where our parents & my siblings were waiting. They all got to see here & then she was taken to run tests. Trey was with her the whole time & im convinced they really bonded because Lexa really loves her dad & is calm immediately in his arms. I didn't get to hold her until 2 hours after she was born but I was okay cus I knew trey was with her. 

Alexandra Verity Pictum came into the world at 6:49 am. She was 7 lbs 14 oz & 20 inches long. She is the perfect addition to our family & I am so grateful to be her mom. I really can't believe she is our daughter. She is so loved. 

After her birth I was assuming I'd be allowed to eat but my blood pressure was still high so I was out on magnesium sulfate- which made me feel really crappy for 24 hours. Which meant another 24 hours of ice chips. We had lots of visitors the first day & Lexa was a dream baby. Sleeping & eating perfectly. We stayed at the hospital for 2 days & were discharged. We are all doing great at home & I am absolutely loving this new time in our lives. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

10 weeks later......

this is the most recent pic of my baby bump at my cousins birthday party. 

after 10 weeks of not blogging i figured it time to update this (mostly for myself) but here we go. I AM 35 WEEKS TODAY. how how how did that happen? i am literally shocked that i only have 5 weeks until my due date- ONE week until i can stop taking my medication and let these contractions- that i am still having- happen without slowing them down, and possibly have a baby! too much craziness.

Baby is the size of: a coconut- she should be weighing anywhere between 4 & 5 lbs! she is also getting longer and longer- 17-18 in?! that is crazy to me. 

Maternity clothes: duh. thank heavens for my best friend- kaycee gave me bags of maternity clothes! its starting to get hot and i am ready to be able to just wear shorts that dont have a maternity band around them. 

Sleep: 3rd trimester insomnia has hit me hard. i can be so tired at night and i dont fall asleep until atleast 3 or 4 am. naps are great but naps mean no night time sleep. 

Movement: she moves like crazy. most people have seen her move or felt her. she is always stretching and pushing from two sides of my stomach and is either high in my ribs or low low low in my hip bones. 

Best moment of the week: i FINALLY have most of my hospital bag packed. it is still missing some stuff buttttt we are making progress with it actually being in a bag.  

Miss anything: i am totally missing sleeping on my stomach, laying on my stomach to be on my laptop, & laying on my stomach to watch tv. i also miss RAW RAW RAW sushi. 

Food Cravings: nothing ever really sounds good. which is getting annoying. i could chew on ice all day long tho. 

Anything make you queasy: i mentioned how i love to chew on ice- well two times while i have been chewing on ice i have vomited. cute. but i keep doing it. 

Am I showing: of course. this baby shows up in a room about 3 seconds before the rest of my body. 

Wedding rings: i can still wear it- my hands are occasionally swollen but it still fits.   

Weight Gain: ive gained like 20 lbs total i think. 

Stretch marks: i have some no matter how much ive tried to avoid them 

Happy or moody: i am happy and moody. i am totally over being pregnant. HA! but i am so grateful for my pregnancy. i really do love being pregnant but i am ready for this babygirl to be here. 

here are just two of the maternity pics i took with my cousin cambrie. i love them!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Bumpdate! 25 WKS!

Is it possible that I am this far along already? I am really grateful for modern medicine & the fact that my sweet baby is still healthy. This update is a few days late but that's okay. I am still on medication & still having really bad contractions. I am not cleared to work so it's really boring at home but as long as I'm doing whatever the doctor tells me I guess it's alright with me. My face in this picture explains it right. My contractions are painful. I always have a backache & I just about never get ready. It's great. 

Baby is the size of: a large cauliflower. is that a head of cauliflower? well shes getting huge. she is measuring big. almost 2 pounds and really long! 

Maternity clothes: "bed rest/house arrest" means i dont normally get dressed. cool. but i do have some maternity jeans. just because they are more comfy. i really just want dresses cus it is already way too hot in vegas and only feb :(

Sleep: sleeping is pretty much great or sucky. i pee about 1093538 times every night so thats great. plus i am having strong contractions that wake me. while i am sleeping tho it is sufficient. 

Movement: she is so nuts. she moves a lot and kicks or punches like crazy. mostly up by my ribs or really low causing me to have to pee immediately. its the most surreal feeling 

Best moment of the week: i had my glucose test- which totally suck but best part is its over! 

Miss anything: i miss work. a lot. i really love my job so it really stinks im not able to work right now. 

Food Cravings: lately i have been craving mexican food. chips and salsa. tacos. quesadillas. oh and raising canes. 

Anything make you queasy: my medication for my contractions sometimes. 

Am I showing: very much so. my belly is measuring 2 weeks bigger and my baby is measuring one week big. so thats great. 

Wedding rings: im still wearing it. i take it off at night and actually lately my fingers are really skinny. weird so its kinda big.  

Weight Gain: not sure in total. i feel like i havent gained TOOO much. 

Stretch marks: i still just have one. it looks like harry potters scar and its really red :( 

Happy or moody: both. sometimes i am so happy and sometimes i am really frustrated that my pregnancy isnt going as i planned. but thats life and im just glad the baby is healthy. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Not Exactly Planned.

Well-  I have once again slacked on my poor blog. But now is a good time to update! Lots of friends and family know that we were in the hospital so I really wanted to write this all down before I forget anything.

Yesterday around 11- I was experiencing some bleeding and before any one freaks out- it wasn't SO much, but definitely enough to where I concerned and called one of the nurses at my doctors office. I was also having weird cramping. The nurse told me to go to Summerlin Hospital and head the the labor and delivery to get monitored- she told me it could be nothing- constipation or just her moving- but better to be safe than sorry. I headed home and met Trey then we both drove over to the hospital. we got there at 2 o clock and they right away hooked me up to the monitors. One to monitor the baby and one to monitor and see if I was having any contractions.

At first- the nurse at the hospital looked at the charts from the contraction screens and didn't say anything. I knew something was up because if they weren't happening she would have told me. While this was all happening Trey was sitting next to me- I'm sure beyond nervous. The labor doctor came in to see me and told me that I was having contractions and that they were gonna have a high risk doctor come in to see what exactly was happening. Before the high risk doctor came- I got my blood drawn and got hooked up to an IV. Trey gave me a blessing- which was a huge comfort and then the high risk doctor got there. He did an ultrasound and a cervix check and thankfully my cervix was still closed. He said everything looked fine but my contractions were about every 10-15 minutes and that made them worry. I got two injections to slow the contractions down but that shot also made my heart pound so hard. Trey could see it moving in my chest. I was grateful that the entire time I was laying in the hospital bed Trey was by my side and baby girl was moving like crazy. The injections made my contractions drop to 3-4 in an hour so they decided to send me home with medication after 7 hours of being monitored. They also ordered bed rest for a few days to make sure that the baby is good. The medication I am on has slowed the contractions down- I can totally still feel them but they are significantly slower. We certainly did not plan that for our Wednesday night but thank goodness for modern medicine, awesome nurses and doctors, and prayers. Bed rest to say the least sucks. It sounds so nice- laying in bed all day- but its actually terrible. haha I really hate not being able to get up and go somewhere if i want to. But Trey stayed home from work today- which was awesome. I am glad that Babygirl and I are okay.

Now- for a bump date! I am officially 22 weeks and 3 days today!

Baby is the size of: a papaya. Yesterday at the hospital they did an ultrasound and she is actually HUGE. she is measuring at 23 weeks and 5 days. The doctor also told us she weighs 1 lb and 5 oz. She's growing quick and healthy! YAY! 
Maternity clothes: I have yet to buy any. Thankfully my clothes still fit. Lots look weird but WHATEVER- don't really care that much. 
Sleep: is getting worse- especially with this medicine. The medication makes my heart POUND and it makes it really hard to sleep. Oh and i cannot sleep longer than 4 hours without having to get up to pee. 
Movement: We have decided our daughter is a total spazzzzz. She moves like crazy. During the monitoring we could hear her move around and it was crazy. She is totally nuts. Trey constantly has his hand on my stomach and can feel her move a lot. 
Best moment of the week: Know that she is okay. Contractions and hospital time was scary- but thank goodness she's healthy. 
Miss anything: right now- moving around. hahaha bed rest is just no fun. 
Food Cravings: Slurpees. that is really my only craving anymore. So much food always sounds good- but nothing that I just HAVE to have. 
Anything make you queasy: I have been queasy today- but I think its just the medicine. Other than that not really.

Am I showing: oh of course. She's only getting bigger. 

Wedding rings: Still on! yay! 
Weight Gain: i've gained like 13 pounds so far the entire time.  
Stretch marks: Trey found one today :( on my scar from my surgery in the philippines. Its pretty small tho. 

Happy or moody: Im happy. nothing to be moody about :) 

Looking forward to: Our doctors appt tuesday. 

Last week I looked like this. 

And this was today. She's just huge. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Bumpdate! 19 weeks!

Baby is the size of: a freaking mango. And I didn't really think that was big until another source told me she is as big as a tomato. A big tomato. 6 in long & .5 lbs. she's growing quick! 
Maternity clothes: my mother in law bought me a pair of maternity jeans. I haven't tried them out yet. I can still fit most of my clothes. I live in leggings anyway :) and once it gets a little warmer I will just live in dresses. oh & do bras count? I had to buy new ones :( 
Sleep: it's getting so hard. I normally sleep on my stomach but adjusting to side sleeping isn't easy. & I'm still getting up constantly to pee. I have tried unisom- a sleeping aide my doctor said is safe and it did NOTHING at all for me. I still woke up constantly.
Movement:I feel her ALL the time. & I love it!! I felt her for the first time about a week ago but wasn't positive if it was actually her. I can't wait until Trey and family can feel her move!
Best moment of the week: we have organized some of her clothes & dresses. We are really blessed with awesome family who have given us so much already! Baby stuff is so freaking cute I can't handle it.
Miss anything: I miss stretching my back. Hahah it's hard to bend backward when my stomach doesn't stretch anymore. I miss raw yummy sushi SO much. A rainbow roll sounds amazing.
Food Cravings: slurpees all the time. Even if it's freezing outside. Pizza from anywhere. Onions. I hate onions & seriously crave the purple ones. SO weird.
Anything make you queasy: sometimes the smell of random stuff. Dishes. I didn't really have morning sickness so that helps.

Am I showing: totally. I feel like I popped really early but then I remember that this baby could easily be on the very tall side considering her dad is 6'4.

Wedding rings: still on. I'm hoping I don't swell too much so they can stay on. Wishful thinking. 
Weight Gain: don't know. Nor do I really care. I'll tone it up after the baby comes. 
Stretch marks: none so far. I am working on preventing them!
Happy or moody: totally happy until I have to wake up to go to work. Sleeping all day sounds glorious.

Looking forward to: setting up her crib and planning the baby shower. 

Being pregnant is the most amazing thing. I literally can't believe how fast it is going. Thinking that I'll hit my half way mark on Monday is pretty crazy. Thanks to Marley for making pictures fun. :)